Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers many of our internal organs. For example, the Pleural type of Mesothelioma starts wtih a tumour that begins as nodules in the pleura which surround the lungs, later invading the chest wall. In most cases, people who develop mesothelioma have worked in environments where they have been repeatedly exposed to asbestos particles.
If your life has been affected by mesothelioma then you may be able to receive compensation. Asbestos Trust Funds have been created by numerous companies to facilitate this, so lawsuits aren't always necessary. A knowledgeable law firm or attorney can guide you through the eligibility requirements and assist in filing your claim(s). Selecting an experienced and competent mesothelioma lawyer can be the difference between success and failure. It is important to do this as soon as mesothelioma has been diagnosed as there could be deadlines to meet if your case is to proceed.
In the decision making process you can contact several law firms before making your final decision. There is a wealth of information available from various public sources and you may also benefit from contacting the governing body of lawyers in your country. When selecting a law firm or attorney, look for one with which you can have a good relationship and also one that has past experience of dealing with mesothelioma cases.
When you have your initial consultations, ask the law firms to explain how they can help you and ask about the fees and/or percentages they will charge. When you make your final decision it is advisable to obtain a written agreement from the law firm regarding these fees along with some references that you can then follow up on.
The decision making process can be a difficult one. Some questions you should think about are:
Peter Rutherford is an author and editor.